Monday, March 14, 2011

What Is The Next Language To Overcome PHP?

Posted by doser on February 28, 2011

Hi guys,

I'd like to get your opinion about it. What do you think that can be the next favorite language for programmers able to overcome PHP. PHP has been around for a long time and also many languages are coming out, too. But PHP still resists and become the choice for the majority of programmers around the world.

This result comes for different reasons, for example: Open source technologies -- like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Zend Framework and many others.

Even big sites like Facebook and Twitter is run under PHP. And it is now that PHP was facing its main test -- to run sites with huge traffic, something that never happened before, just because never exist such a site able to have 500,000,000 users in the history of the Internet (that is not too long, yet), like is the Facebook. Facebook runs with PHP and MySQL (the database), both seem that are facing their crucial test now.

Last year Facebook announced that was changing MySQL for another database because the quantity of traffic was huge and MySQL was not able enough to take care of it.

The same happened to PHP, in this case, Facebook decided to optimized its engine. A process that works like the compilation of the C/C++ language -- with the name of Hiphop for PHP.
HipHop for PHP transformation process
This process shows that PHP is not that strong, alone. And with it rises a question:

What Is The Next Language To Overcome PHP?

In the future the sites will have much more traffic and much more features.

So what do you think this language gonna be?